This new book by Pierre Giorgini tackles probably the most founding concept of the human soul: the place. He explains how the technoscientific transition we are experiencing is changing our relationship to places, spaces, locals… It’s the “twilight of the place”! Psychoanalyst Jacques Arènes, who signs a beautiful afterword, writes: “We have lost our roof”! Pierre Giorgini thinks once again with talent the transition: how to invent “third places”, open and federal spaces, which combine network creation and local rooting?
“Let us pray that this richness of the sign that sums up the human soul is not lost in a general impoverishment of the written word which would be for the time being the sign of the end of all humanity which would have permanently lost its places and its links.” Giorgini is a specialist in the world of business and innovation, former director of France Telecom Research and Development and knows what he is talking about. He takes a passionate philosophical and sociological reflection where pessimistic lucidity opens the way to possible optimistic aims to be realized, proposing concrete paths. For the “virtual” carries in him possibilities which it is up to us to decide knowingly of the direction: this book is the indispensable compass. Essential.
A great example of catalytic leadership.
300 square meters, 111 men, 70 days under the sea: welcome aboard a SNLE, that is to say a nuclear submarine launcher of devices, lord of the oceans. Monsters of steel, cathedrals of silence, submarines lurk under the waves, watching over us and our safety, and we don't know. Yet much happens at the bottom of the water, and life on board is anything but boring. It obeys rules, strict and serene discipline, rituals, loyalties and friendships that have a taste for adventure and without which perhaps risking their lives would make less sense for these men. A submariner for more than twenty years, Admiral François Dupont takes us on board the boat entrusted to him, immersed with the men for whom he is responsible, in order, during a crossing, to share with us the beauty of this profession, which embodies at every moment the sense of commitment and the notion of duty.
Where does intelligence come from? Is it a human exclusive? Can machines overtake us?
It emerged with life, developed over evolution, magnified with the human species… Thanks to this mysterious intelligence, we invented everything: the tool, language, writing, education, science, and the ability to question the world. Today, this beautiful story is undergoing an unprecedented revolution. For the first time, the human brain can visualize its own functioning. For the first time, he transfers some of his intelligence into machines capable of learning. In a fa
scinating dialogue, the great brain specialist Stanislas Dehaene and that of the artificial neurons Yann Le Cun recount, with Jacques Girardon, this long adventure, from animal origins to the present day, and wonder about our future. Will computers soon experience emotions, develop a morality? Are art, beauty, the ability to improvise, to anticipate, within the reach of immaterial brains
? What the authors outline here is nothing less than the next step in our evolution. Clearly, reading such a book is already radically changing the way we look at ourselves.
A visionary patron, Antoine Riboud has made BSN and then his son Franck Danone a deeply singular company, a melting pot of multiple reflections or social reforms.
It was in Marseille in 1972 that Antoine Riboud, to the amazement of the employers of the time, gave a quasi-revolutionary speech that attempted to reconcile in the same project the economic and financial constraints of a company and its responsibility towards employees and the community. To move from speech to action, Antoine Riboud sets three priorities:
– Improving working conditions in factories.
– New labour organizations.
– The implementation of social planning in the companies of the BSN group.
He also decided to set up a laboratory for social innovations. In 1974, after the Lip affair that the whole of France followed with emotion and passion, the appointments of Assas were created. This club of exchanges between the bosses and the CFDT has helped to transform the social dialogue.
In 1985, BSN became the first French company to sign framework agreements with an international reach.
In 1987, Jacques Chirac was inspired by the modernization mode d’emploi report…
In 2006, Danone signed a social business company with Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize laureate…
In 2015, the Livelihoods agreement for family farming was signed with Mars to help sustainable agriculture in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Jérôme Tubiana plunges us into this rich and eventful history where friction, conflict and tension have often led to profound metamorphoses.
Foreword by Franck Riboud