taking care of humanist metamorphosis
Happymorphose belongs to a network of humanist networks bringing together researchers, associations, local public authorities, companies, working in collective intelligence, on projects including various participations, hybrid and transversal implementations.
The association was born from the works of the anthropo-sociologist Alain de Vulpian, founder of COFREMCA-SOCIOVISION, and the publication of his book “Eloge de la Métamorphose”, awarded by the French Academy in 2016, translated in English, “Homo Sapiens, collapse or fulfillement”. These action-researchs are based on those of COFREMCA-Sociovision, of the “Centre de Formation aux Réalités Internationales” (CEFRI) and “the Society for Organizational Learning” (SoL), stemming from MIT, founded by Arie de Geus, Peter Senge and in France by the historian Irène Dupoux-Couturier.
Happymorphose is based on 7 pillars of thought, research and action and on the necessary today methodological optimism described hereby.
Our action philosophy
Our civilization is undergoing a major change on a planetary scale. For more than 50 years, the work of the anthropo-sociologist Alain de Vulpian and his teams has been making possible to observe the rise of a living and complex society, perhaps a new era in the history of humanity. It is a metamorphosis. We are probably at a fork in the road where different paths are opening up, the one towards a society dominated by oligarchs and robots, the one towards a living, humanistic and creative society.
Happymorphosis is the awareness of this point of bifurcation. The humanist metamorphosis is characterized by a change in people, in the social fabric and a complementarity between this humanist, innovative dynamic and a digital revolution that must be at its service if it is to be nurtured.
Our association is the meeting of “ordinary people”, says Alain de Vulpian, you, us, leaders, manuals, intellectuals, young and old, educated and ignorant, women and men from everywhere, who want to protect the humanist metamorphosis, to bring it to life in order to build a new society.
Today, it is a matter of urgency; how can we better perceive our environment, our ecosystem and all its interactions by relying on our capabilities and our rational, emotional and sensory potential. To do this, we must use a “methodological optimism” approach, as Alain de Vulpian suggests.
Our purpose
To allow this metamorphosis to spread and to achieve this ambition, we have a means: the socio-perception.
What is socio-perception?
It is the ability of human beings to grasp all the elements of changes in their environment. It is the recognition of one’s intuitive and empathetic abilities in interconnection with others that allows one to adapt and thus to make the humanist metamorphosis come alive.
This site is an illustration of this.
Happymorphose is a dynamic and lively network, international, national, local, of socioperceptives from companies, administrations, associations and civil society.
Wish to join us
- If you are tempted to go further, join us, you will deepen your know-how while enriching ours.
- If you have the intuition that evolution spontaneously leads us towards a more human and balanced society but that our elites and leaders are blocking us, come and work with us.
- If you are entering active life, come and immerse yourself in the metamorphosis, you can find your way.
- If you are faced with the challenge of changing and humanizing the organization of your company or your department, come and see us. We can help you or introduce you to some “catalysts” who have experienced a similar adventure.
- If you are overwhelmed by the artificial conflicts between political parties, come and work towards the emergence of another democracy.
- If you are retired and have free time, if you want to give more meaning to your life, come and help us.
- If you are fed up with Europe being paralyzed by its bureaucracy and by the resurgence of narrow nationalisms, come and work on another experience of Europe.
- If, by reading Eloge of metamorphosis and/or Homo Sapiens – Collapse or Fulfillment, you have understood that you are socio-perceptive, perhaps we can help you to become even more so.
- If you have observed weak signals from central aspects of metamorphosis that we are neglecting, let us know and we will discuss it.

Hommage Sophie juin
Designer and stylist of this site, Sophie Juin has just passed away. She died suddenly on
Monday, February 14, 2022, of heart failure.
She was a digital artist, setting in motion all of Happymorphose’s communication, knowing
how to listen to messages, transcribe them with immense humility into drawings, as well as
into words, with humor and a smile.
We keep from her her professionalism, her humor, her laughter, her lucidity, her availability.
Thank you for everything Sophie.
About us
Irene Dupoux-Couturier
Historian, Science Po Paris, IHEDN, Aspen Institute, co-founded the International Realities Training Centre in 1973. At the time of the oil crisis, CEFRI helped companies throughout the world to better understand the major transformations of our planet. For thirty years, this organization accompanied multinational companies such as Royal Dutch Shell or public organisations such as the French Ministry of Research at the highest level to live the possible scenarios of the future. In 1989, CEFRI was the first organisation to initiate European programmes for the conversion of Eastern European countries to a market economy. From Tokyo, Seoul, Bangalore, Nizhny Novgorod, Vilnius to Bucharest, Boston or San Francisco, CEFRI wove the networks of humanist managerial metamorphosis throughout the world. It was an adventure that took the risks of the living, astonishing by the richness of the encounter of the most varied cultures. And this led in 1999 to the launch in France and in Europe of Sol, the Society for Learning Organization, a spin-off of
MIT. The book “Homo Sapiens, Collapse or Fulfillemnt”, co-written with the sociologist Alain de Vulpian, is based on sociological, managerial and cultural field research over a period of more than half a century. The Happymorphose movement of which she is co-president is the concrete expression in action research of a methodological optimism that could allow, at the point of bifurcation of our societies, to take care of the ongoing humanist metamorphosis.
Marie-Christine Villagordo
Founder of Human Exponential. Facilitator in Collective Intelligence. My academic background, my managerial experience and my continuous training allow me to have a differentiating and interdisciplinary approach.
Philosophy with the construction of dialogue, neurosciences with the functioning of the human being in its cognitive diversity, anthropology, to understand the construction of the links of the relationship with asking, giving, receiving and giving back, psychology to learn to understand oneself better, systemic in order to better apprehend and ecosystem understand the ecosystem and the creation of interaction links between the different elements of the system and the strategy of organizations so that strategy is the daily concern of everyone by linking strategic elements such as: financial, customer, processes, digital and employees.
As a former Director of Innovation and Managerial Support Strategy at Orange, I became convinced of the power of human potential and its creativity in rethinking the creation of Value to build sustainable economic and social performance.
I have held various responsibilities in human resources, sales, internal consulting and internal coaching.
Practitioner Expert in Positive Psychology applied to work, certified PCC and Hermann coach, individual, team and cross profile, trained in co-development, systemic approach and organisational theory from Berne, Master business consulting.
Lecturer on the subject of the human potential, the company's real wealth.
Emanating in particular over the last 10 or 15 years from Cofremca, l’Ami Public, SOL, the Vigilants Club, the Citizenship Workshops, Dream Society, Sociocultural Revolution of the Enterprise, Social Contract…
Contact Us
N° de SIRET : 853 475 572 00014
9 rue Portalis