Will Homo Sapiens be able to tame Artificial Intelligence
and open the way towards a new human fulfillment?

We are not living in an era that, like so many others, is merely chaotic, but in an epoch that could be a real turning point in the destiny of the human species. Homo Sapiens is not a finished product, but a work in progress, a living organism in evolution, one that has to adapt to new environments. Faced with serial challenges, social, economic, ecological and techno-scientific imbalances, our societies are losing their confidence in the future.

And yet from long-time observations in the field, we can observe the discreet development of signs of a radical metamorphosis and new human fulfillment. Perhaps for the first time in its history, Homo Sapiens puts into dialogue its rational, emotional-relational, sensory and spiritual intelligences – and that changes everything.

“De Vulpian’s book offers more than just an alert. It aims to help ordinary people be more or less clairvoyant, to strengthen their intuitions and to innovate. At the bifurcation point, by paying attention to the weak signals, we can “take care of metamorphosis”. Peter Senge, MIT

“The right book at the right time”. Göran Carstedt, former head Volvo, IKEA

Towards the third modernity, How ordinary people are transforming the world

The Shift from Capitalism to a Knowledge Society: in business, Company Law in most countries still describes the 19TH century position of the business corporation-as-a-machine….that Law allocates to the shareholder the ultimate and supreme power…until that law is changed, it puts management between the rock of emancipated people liberated from earlier social and moral constraints and the hard place of shareholder power, exercised by financial institutions with short-term financial goals… Perhaps we need a French revolution in the business world to prevent a confrontation between emancipated people and business

Arie de Geus

Homo Sapiens in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Will Homo sapiens be able to tame digital intelligence for a new human development?

We are not living in a chaotic time like many others, but what could be a real turning point in the fate of the human species. Homo sapiens is a living organism in evolution that must adapt to its new environments. Faced with social, economic, ecological and techno-scientific imbalances, our societies are losing confidence in the future.

And yet, the authors of this book have long observed on the ground the signs of a radical metamorphosis and a new human development. Perhaps for the first time in its history, Homo sapiens brings his rational, emotional- relational, sensory and spiritual intelligences into dialogue – and that changes everything.

Alain de Vulpian’s book offers more than just an alert. It aims to help “ordinary people” to become more far-sighted, to strengthen their intuitions and innovate. At the point of bifurcation, by paying attention to weak signals, we can “take care of the metamorphosis”. Peter Senge

Praise for metamorphosis, On the road to a new humanity

It’s not a crisis,
it’s a metamorphosis.

A sense of urgency led me to write this book.

The crises we are experiencing are avatars of a process of metamorphosis that took hold in the West almost a century ago. We Europeans have personalities that are profoundly different from those of our grandparents. Full of vitality, autonomous, freed from hierarchical and warrior inclinations, we build every day, without even being aware of it, a society in human networks, tangled, self-organized that governs itself.

This book is both optimistic and cautious because not everything is played.

It is us, people in their diversity, ordinary people and leaders, textbooks and intellectuals, young and old, learned and ignorant, women and men … which, through our actions and inactions, fuel metamorphosis and build the new society.

Alain de Vulpian

Look back at the evening-dialogue between Alain Berthoz, Professor at the Collège de France and Alain de Vulpian