This new book by Pierre Giorgini tackles probably the most founding concept of the human soul: the place. He explains how the technoscientific transition we are experiencing is changing our relationship to places, spaces, locals… It’s the “twilight of the place”! Psychoanalyst Jacques Arènes, who signs a beautiful afterword, writes: “We have lost our roof”! Pierre Giorgini thinks once again with talent the transition: how to invent “third places”, open and federal spaces, which combine network creation and local rooting?
Taming the fulgurance?
“Let us pray that this richness of the sign that sums up the human soul is not lost in a general impoverishment of the written word which would be for the time being the sign of the end of all humanity which would have permanently lost its places and its links.” Giorgini is a specialist in the world of business and innovation, former director of France Telecom Research and Development and knows what he is talking about. He takes a passionate philosophical and sociological reflection where pessimistic lucidity opens the way to possible optimistic aims to be realized, proposing concrete paths. For the “virtual” carries in him possibilities which it is up to us to decide knowingly of the direction: this book is the indispensable compass. Essential.