This is the first fruit of a very interesting approach with citizen deliberations and co-construction with various stakeholder
s: the Montreal Declaration for responsible AI development.

The key points of the outcome of the citizens' consultations revolve around seven themes, each with its indicative questions and a principle recommended in the draft declaration.

The proposed principles:

  • Well-being: The development of AI should ultimately be about well-being.
  • Autonomy: The development of AI should promote the autonomy of all human beings and responsibly control that of computer systems.
  • Justice: The development of AI should aim to eliminate discrimination, including discrimination related to gender, age, mental and physical abilities, sexual orientation, ethnic and social origin and religious beliefs.
  • Privacy: The development of AI should allow people who use it to access their personal data as well as the types of information that an algorithm uses.
  • Knowledge: The development of AI should promote critical thinking and protect us from propaganda and manipulation.
  • Democracy: The development of AI should promote informed participation in public life, cooperation and democratic debate.
  • Responsibility: The various players in AI development should take responsibility for working against the risks of these technological innovations.